About Nedjmija

Göteborgs Fiolskola was founded by Nedjmija Mehmed, a trained violinist and experienced violin teacher who works with children and adults.
Nedjmija comes from a musical family where her childhood was filled with different musical instruments and different genres of music.

After seeing her father’s solo concert where he played the viola, she says immediately after the concert that she wants to be a violinist when she grows up and she was only 4 years old at the time.

At the age of 5, she began her musical life by playing in her father’s school orchestra, singing at children’s festivals and practicing her ear. At the age of 8, she officially starts her music education at the School of Musical Arts in Skopje, Macedonia where she receives qualified music education in music subjects and violin as her main instrument for 7 years.
During this period, Nedjmija is an active violinist on stage and plays at concerts

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as a soloist, wins prizes at competitions, builds up as a musician and after 7 years of study at the musical primary school, she is admitted to the musical secondary school in Skopje as the first ranked violinist at the entrance examination.

She gets an intensive music education with lots of performances, competitions, auditions and most of her music knowledge is anchored in these 4 years of music high school.

She graduates there and continues her music education in Sweden at Helsjöns Folkhögskola and then at the Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Gothenburg and this is her most important part of her development as a violinist where she gains the most knowledge in violin technique, musicality, styles, repertoire, ergonomics, performance as a violinist and orchestra member, playing different projects and repertoires.
Masterclasses were part of the intercultural music experiences and Nedjmija has attended masterclasses with: Nathaniel Vallois, James Ehnes, Vasilij Meljnikov, Ruta Lipinaityte, Raluca Dobre, Semmy Stahlhammer, Emilio Percan, Yova Yordanova, Marja Inkinen – Engström, Tobias Granmo.
Nedjmija gets influenced by the violin pedagogical approach, the magic of exploring the instrument, finding solutions, the details that can make changes in the violin playing, gets inspired by her violin teachers, so she takes courses in pedagogy, violin interpretation and starts studying the Complementary Pedagogical Education program at Luleå University of Technology.
Immediately after completing her bachelor’s studies, Nedjmija started working as a violin teacher and has been successful in teaching the violin. She has worked with around 80 students so far.

Nedjmija Mehmed, Göteborgs Fiolskola