
On this page you will find our general terms and conditions such as payment options, payment terms, our price list, cancellation rules, discounts and how we process personal data.

Payment options

We offer payment by e-invoice and swish. Part payment is also possible.

Terms of payment

The invoice is sent by email and is valid for 14 days. It carries an interest rate of 12% and the reminder fee is 60 kr.

Price list

All prices on this website are inclusive of VAT. We reserve the right to make any publication errors and reserve the right to change the price if errors have occurred.


Cancellation of the lesson must be made 24h before the lesson, otherwise 50% of the cost of the lesson will be charged.
If you get sick, you can replace the lesson at another time or have a digital lesson instead.
Cancelled lessons from the Gothenburg Violin School will be given again at the earliest possible time.

Sibling discount

Families with more than one child attending Göteborgs Fiolskola receive a sibling discount. The first child registered pays full price. Other siblings receive a discount of 25% each, but the discount does not apply to the group package.

Personal data/GDPR

We need to store and process personal data about you in order to deliver the lessons. We protect the privacy of our customers and students and do not share our customers’ data. We need your contact details for billing purposes and to keep in touch with you via SMS and email.
Marketing on social media is only done if you agree that we are allowed to do so.